Muhtasari wa Telenovela/Original Telenovela Brief

Tarehe ya kufunga 14/10/2024

Electonic Media Network (M-Net), kitengo cha maudhui cha MultiChoice Group, kimeendelea kuwapatia watazamaji burudani ya hali ya juu zaidi kwa njia ya video kwa zaidi ya miaka 30.

Chaneli za M-Net zinatoa maudhui ya kuvutia na kusisimua, zikichanganya vipindi halisi vya Kiafrika pamoja na filamu na thamthilia bora za kimataifa.

Tunajitahidi kila mara kukuza tasnia ya filamu na televisheni kwa kuendeleza vipaji mbele ya kamera na nyuma yake, huku tukisukuma uzinduzi wa taaluma za kitaifa na kimataifa.

Maisha Magic Bongo ni chaneli ya burudani inayopatikana kwenye DStv kupitia chaneli 160, chini ya mwavuli wa M-Net. Tumejikita katika kutoa simulizi za video zinazowakilisha uhalisia wa maisha ya Kitanzania, kwa kuzingatia mpangilio wa kijamii na kifamilia. Lugha inayotumika kwa kiasi kikubwa ni Kiswahili, huku Kiingereza kikitumika kwa nadra.

Muhtasari: Kile Tunachotafuta

Maisha Magic Bongo tunatafuta ‘Telenovela’ ya kiwango cha juu kupitia mfumo wa Commissioning, inayolenga Watanzania wa maisha ya kati. Telenovela hii inapaswa kuwa halisi, rahisi kueleweka, ya kipekee, na yenye wahusika wanaovutia. Aidha, inapaswa kuzingatia maadili pamoja na kuheshimu mila na desturi za Kitanzania.

  • KICHWA CHA MUHTASARI: Muhtasari wa Telenovela
  • CHANELI: Maisha Magic Bongo
  • AINA YA FILAMU: Telenovela
  • MFULULIZO: 260 Eps x 26 min
  • LUGHA: Kiswahili

Editorial Guide:

Mawazo halisi yanapaswa kuwa tofauti na yanayoendana na maisha ya kila siku ya watazamaji wetu, huku yakileta hamasa mpya na ugunduzi kupitia simulizi zenye mvuto na mpangilio mzuri wa wahusika.: Wazo liwe na mashiko na la kuvutia watazamaji. Pia mpangilio wa hadithi ukamate hisia za watazamaji haswa.

Yanayohitajika katika Pendekezo lako

  • Logline: Kwa maneno yasiopungua 25 tuelezee, kiini cha stori yako, tafadhali elezea kwa kifupi na ufasaha. (tueleze uhusika mkuu na mpinzani wake)
  • Tentative Full Budget: Kila kitu kitakachohitajika kwenye production na gharama za production kwa dakika.
  • Tentative Production Schedule: Muda utakao hitajika kwa ajili ya maandalizi, uandishi, Post Production na uwasilishaji wa kazi kamilifu.
  • Overall plotline & themes: Maudhuhi kamili ya tamthilia nzima.
  • 500 words synopsis; Hakikisha synopsis yako inaahainisha secta muhimu zote kuanzia mwanzo mbaka mwisho.
  • Character bible: Andaa wasifu wa wahusika wako muhimu wote. (Malengo yao, udhaifu wao,tamaa zao, n.k)
  • World View of the Story; Maeneo ambayo tamthilia hii itakuwa ikifanyiwa kazi (Locations) na wahusika wengine wa tamthilia hii.
  • Mood-board: Picha zilizounganishwa kwa pamoja zinazoonyesha muonekano wa tamthilia yako.
  • Team & Contacts: Ni kina nani utafanya nao production hii, Je kuna production zingine walizowahi kufanya?  Tafadhali ambatanisha wasifu wa kampuni yako.
  • Business Case: Tuambie kwa nini  hii tamthilia itavutia kwa watazamaji wa Maisha Magic Bongo. Ni pengo gani au mahitaji gani unakidhi? Je, inautofauti gani na chochote kilicho hewani kwa sasa?
  • Pilot Episode Preview Copy:  Linki ya pilot episode. (kama ipo)
  • Show reel: Promo za vipindi ambavyo umeshawahi kufanya. (tafadhali ambatanisha tarehe na kituo kilicho rusha)
  • References: Tafadhali tupe watu ambao ulishawahi kufanya nao kazi (sio chini ya wawili)
  •  Ambatanisha nyaraka zifuatazo pamoja na pendekezo lako:
    • Leseni halali ya biashara.
    •  Nakala iliyothibitishwa ya Cheti cha TRN /VRN/TIN ya biashara/ kampuni. 
    • Nakala iliyothibitishwa ya Cheti cha TRA TIN ya kiongozi/Producer mkuu.
    • Nakala iliyothibitishwa ya kiongozi/Producer mkuu ya Hati ya kusafiria/kitambulisha cha taifa/Leseni ya Udereva.
    • Certified copy of a Valid Tax Clearance Certificate.
    •  Nakala iliyothibitishwa ya kusajiliwa COSOTA/BODI YA FILAMU.
    • Nakala iliyothibitishwa ya hatimiliki ya COSOTA\BODI YA FILAMU.
    • Nakala iliyothibitishwa ya usajili kutoka Bodi ya filamu Tanzania.


Mawasilisho yote lazima yawasilishwe  kwenye mfumo wa Power Point presentation, yenye kurasa zisizo zidi 15 kupitia linki hapa chini

Mawasilisho yote yatakayo letwa kwa mfumo wa Baarua pepe au kupelekwa ofisini HAYATAKUBALIKA

Ufundi na ufanisi unaozingatiwa na Maisha Magic Bongo utatolewa katika makubaliano ya uaandaji.

Maisha Magic Bongo ndiyo yenye mamlaka ya mwisho katika ubora na ufanisi wa vipindi vyote vilivyotengenezwa kupitia mfumo wa Commissioned.

N.B: Usipofanikisha kuambataisha nyaraka zote hapo juu, pendekezo lako halitapokelewa.

Mchakato wa Uteuzi:

  • Pendekezo lako litakapo pokelewa utapokea ujumbe kupitia portal
  • Mapendekezo yatapitiwa na walioteuliwa na uongozi wa Channeli
  • Watakao fanikiwa wataitwa kwa ajili ya kikao cha kuwasilisha mawazo yao, watapokea ujumbe kupitia barua pepe

Taratibu zetu za uchaguzi zitachukua sio chini ya wiki nane

Kama hautapata ujumbe wowote kutoka kwetu ndani ya siku 90 baada ya kuwasilisha pendekezo lako, ujue kwamba haukufanikiwa


Electronic Media Network (M-Net), a content division of the MultiChoice Group, has brought audiences the very best in video entertainment for over 30 years. M-Net’s channels are a source of compelling and captivating content, offering a mix of authentic African programmes and the best international movies and series. We continuously strive to grow the film and TV industry by developing talent in front of, and behind the camera, and propel the launch of local and international careers.

Maisha Magic Bongo is a general entertainment channel, available on DStv channel 160 created by M-Net. Maisha Magic Bongo is committed to visual storytelling that communicates an authentic and relatable Tanzanian experience. Its programming is community and family oriented.

The language used on the Channel is Swahili and minimal English.

BRIEF : What we are looking for?

Maisha Magic Bongo is seeking to Commission a High-End Telenovela show (260 eps x 26min) targeting Tanzanian middle-class families. The Telenovela should be original, authentic, simple, light-hearted, unique, relevant, and sensitive to Tanzanian cultural and societal norms.

  • BRIEF TITLE: Original Telenovela Brief
  • CHANNEL: Maisha Magic Bongo
  • GENRE: Telenovela
  • SERIES: 260 Eps x 26 min
  • LANGUAGE: Swahili

Editorial Guide:

Original concepts should be unique, reflective of our audience’s daily lives and experiences while taking an exciting new and innovative angle with well plotted storylines and rounded characters. Concepts should have over-arching episodes. The tone should be gripping fun and entertaining. The storylines and pace must have nail-biting tension that will keep the audience glued to the TV screen.

Proposal Requirements:

  • Logline: 25 words summary of an original/Concept story. (Tell us the protagonist and antagonist, what they want, and what is in the way of them achieving that).
  • Tentative Full Budget: All Production Lines should be itemized and a Cost Per Minute included.
  • Tentative Production Schedule: Timelines from Development & Scripting to Production to Post Production to Final Delivery.
  • Overall Plotline & Themes: The main themes of the whole series.
  • 500 words synopsis; (Ensure the synopsis highlights all the key plot points from the beginning to the end)
  • Character bible: Of key characters. (Their goals, needs, desires and weaknesses)
  • World View of the Story; Locations and Settings and supporting casts of the Telenovela.
  • Mood-board: Picture collage and mood board that includes stills/screen grabs for the proposed telenovela.
  • Team & Contacts: Who is the team behind the project? What have you done previously? Please include a company profile. (Please highlight experience of the team)
  • Business Case: Why is this exciting to the Maisha Magic Bongo channel audience? Which gap or demand are you satisfying? What distinguishes it from anything else on TV?
  • Pilot Episode Preview Copy: A link to the pilot episode. (if available)
  • Show reel: Of previous content produced (please include dates and broadcasting stations). 
  • References: Please provide a list of previous clients. (Minimum of 2 clients)
  • Attach the following compliance documents with your presentation:
    • A Valid Business licence.
    • Certified Copy of TRA/VRN/TIN certificate for business.
    • Certified Copy of TRA/VRN/TIN certificate for Executive/Lead Producer.
    • A certified copy of the Executive/Lead producer’s passport/national ID/driver’s license.
    • Certified copy of a Valid Tax Clearance Certificate.
    • Certified copy of Certificate of Registration from Country’s Copyright Society.
    • Certified copy of Clearance Certificate from Country’s Copyright Society
    • Certified copy of Film Registration Certificate from Tanzania Film Board.

All the requirements must be uploaded in one power point presentation deck which has a maximum of 15 slides on the link below

Please note that submissions emailed or dropped at our office will NOT be accepted.

Technical and editorial standards required by Maisha Magic Bongo will be set out in the production agreement.

Maisha Magic Bongo will have the final editorial and creative control over all aspects of Commissioned Programming.

N.B: Failure to submit any of the above documents will lead to disqualification.

The Evaluation/Selection Process

  • Receipt of proposals will be acknowledged by portal notification.
  • Proposals will evaluated by a panel of Evaluators selected by Channel Management.
  • If successful, shortlisted proposals will be invited through email for a pitching session.

Our selection process will take approximately 8 weeks.

If you don’t hear from us within 90 days after submissions deadline, consider your application unsuccessful.

Submit an Idea